New 3D Science Café website

The NEW 3D Science Café website is up and running!
All of your favorite links, resources, templates, lessons, and workshops can be found via our new site. Please join us!

Friday, September 29, 2017

3D Earth Science - Earth's Motions - Longitude and Time Zones

Lesson adaptation from your current curriculum:
Regents Earth Science

Using models to figure out longitude, time zones, and the "15 degrees of rotation per hour" rule
Sometimes teachers ask me when they should make the switch to the new NYSSLS standards. Knowing that we still need to prepare our students for the current Regents' exams is definitely a source of anxiety for anyone making the leap to 3-dimensional learning. One of the things that I advise teachers to do is to take a current Regents' topic and "three-dimensionalize" it. This can give teachers a great introduction to how to use the Science and Engineering Practices (SEP's) and Crosscutting Concepts (CCC's) in their coursework every day.

The understanding of Earth's motions and their contribution to annual and diurnal changes in Earth's systems is a concept that seems to be migrating toward middle school standards in the NYSSLS. However, there are some very specific skills that students need to master for their Regents' exam in Earth Science. This lesson was written to aid students in understanding Earth's rotation, longitude, and time zones, and utilizes a 3-dimensional approach.

Click here to view the original Google Slides file.

This is still a work in progress so you might notice parts that are unfinished. I'd love any suggestions that you might have.

Students in Regents' Earth Science construct models of time zones

Monday, September 25, 2017

How CO2 Impacts Temperature Change

This is very much a work in progress!  If you try it out, let me know how it goes! I'm always looking to make improvements!